by Molly Jo Realy (@mollyjorealy)

I was today years old when I learned of the Italian Penny Exchange … or at least that’s what my coworker and I dubbed it.

Bob’s a real Italian. You know: the kind from Brooklyn, New York who knows what sauce goes with what pasta, and never says, sees, or explains anything that’s nunyabizniz. How he ended up in the South is not for me to say, but I will say he’s certainly fun to work with. 

Bob’s my best office friend. We talk a lot about life and all that goes with it. He’s talked me off the ledge a few times (more than a few, and not always an easy task, if we’re being honest), and his wife makes the best lasagna this side of Little Italy.

So the other day I was cleaning out my kitchen. Doing the reorganizing thing I keep saying I do, but this time it’s for real. I found a handful of knives I’ve never – and I mean never – used. Why? Wait – is that, “Why do I have so many?” or “Why haven’t I used them?” Answer here –>> I’m a Pampered Chef addict and once or twice a year I host an online party. So over the past years as I order this or that set, some came with a knife. But there’s only so many knives I need, right? Especially if they’re all the same.

Flash forward to today. I (carefully!) drop a handful of knives on Bob’s chair. I figure he and his wife could use them better than me sticking them in a junk drawer.

I was right, and he was very appreciative. Well, first he was snarky enough to tell me he sat down and cut his bum. I don’t think so, Bobby! What can ya do, he’s a sarcastic Italian! 

At the end of the day, he came to me, very serious.

I’ve learned when Bob says, “Pay attention,” to pay attention.

I mean, he’s Brooklyn, NY Italian. I’m not gonna mess with that!

He says, “I need ya to take these. Seriously. This isn’t a joke. Put out your hand.”

So I do, and he drops four pennies onto my palm. 

Y’all know my Penny Parable, right? [NO?! Well stay tuned because I’m updating that for 2025.] So of course I’m interested appreciative so excited!!! about FOUR pennies. Even if they were given to me directly and I didn’t stumble across them.

“What’s this for?” I close my hand around them. Because whatever they’re for, I already know they’re pennies and he’s not getting them back.

He says they’re for the knives I gave him: a penny for each one.


Being only 3% Italian myself, there are some things I’ve still yet to learn

… like some Old Country traditions.

Okay, lay it on me.

Bob tells me it’s bad luck to just gift someone a knife (which means I probably now owe Billy for the knife set I won from him at the Christmas party, but that’s a different discussion). Apparently, handing over a knife (or scissors) (or anything with a do-damage edge!) could be an invitation to sever a relationship and invite trouble into your* life. [*The “you” of “your” wasn’t specified during this discussion with Bob. I’m thinking it could go either way and I wasn’t about to argue with the guy who just gave me a handful of pennies to ward off bad vibes!).

I go online to chase down this myth and sure enough. It’s a real thing. And not just for Italians, but a lot of Old Europe. Now, neither Bob nor I are superstitious. We’re just a little stitious. Oh, what?! Like you didn’t see that one coming?! And since I already accept pennies as a sign from the cosmos that positive vibes are coming my way and that God has some serious blessings planned for me, I think it’s a lovely sentiment and I’m going to accept it. Usually I find one penny on a sidewalk or in a parking lot. Finding a larger coin or more than one is pretty sweet. But when I’m gifted a handful to make sure our friendship isn’t severed? That’s the jackpot! Thanks, Bob.

So now I’m on the hunt for more interesting traditions. That’s “more” as in “others,” not “more interesting” as if this was boring. Because it wasn’t, okay, Bob? You’re not gettin the pennies back, and our friendship isn’t severed.

Now it’s your turn, my lovelies.

What interesting traditions has your family handed down?

Molly Jo's Journal: I just learned about the Italian Penny Exchange. Do you know about the knives? #italian #penny #writer Share on X

Come alive, stay wild, and always, savor the journey,

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Bohemian Hurricane

A Southern hippiechick at heart, Molly Jo Realy is author of the romantic location mystery novel, NOLA, and creator of the Book Builder Workbook. Also an editor and coach, she encourages people to embrace their unique talents to share their stories as only they can. Addicted to God, cats, tea, planners, and pens, in no particular order. Follow her on X (Twitter), Instagram and join her Facebook Community NOLA Swarm for more fun!

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