Champagne and Supernovas

by Molly Jo Realy (@mollyjorealy)

[Originally posted at Frankly, My Dear … on July 31, 2017; updated for Molly Jo Realy on March 1, 2024]

Molly Jo's Journals: Champagne and Supernovas. Effervesce, baby.

Molly Jo’s Journals: Champagne and Supernovas. Effervesce, baby.

Frankly, My Dear . . . Effervesce, baby.

When I first posted this some years ago, I had no idea how it could reach others. Most of the time I post because, in the words of Isaac Asimov, “I write for the same reason I breathe. Because if I didn’t, I would die.” Basically, I drown in my thoughts if I don’t share them. It’s just icing on the cake if someone reads them. (So, yay, you. Thanks for making my day.)

This is a Do-I-or-Don’t-I-post-this kind of post. Prayer life is personal, private. Yet we’re exhorted through the Bible to pray with and for one another.

Through my connections at the annual Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, I have many conversations. About writing. Living in faith. Bringing the two together and at times, amplifying one over the other.

I want to give my peeps a message of hope and empowerment. And it struck me.

We are the champagne, and God is the bubbles.

We’re bottled up tight, conforming to our surroundings only until that moment we are uncorked, set free, and sent overflowing into the world. We are the champagne, but God is the bubbles. We are created for nothing less than to be the vessel He uses to tickle the world with His glory. We are the vehicle He uses to shine and explode. We are designed to not be bottled, but to use the gifts He has given us to move forward, to refresh others, to bubble over when the time is right.

We are made to effervesce.

Someone once asked how I have such a strong prayer life and I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Not because the question was ridiculous (it wasn’t/isn’t) but because I don’t think my prayer life is all that great. In fact I very often think it’s lacking or (gulp) worse, nonexistent.

I have several Bibles. I tend to use one for a year, while supplementing my readings with other versions. This year (2024), I’m using several:

  • C.S. Lewis Bible (NRSV)
  • Inspire Bible for Creative Journaling (NLT)
  • Celebrate Recovery Study Bible (NIV)

When I first wrote this article, I opened at least one Bible to Proverbs 22. Verse 1 is who I strive to be for Him. For you. For all my audience and the world at large.

“Choose a great reputation over great riches;
being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.”
~Proverbs 22:1, NLT

Y’all, this may come as a shock (I know it took me by surprise) but I’m not perfect. Not at all. And in my imperfection, I’ve been holding back. “I’m not great, so I’m no good at all.” Oh, what a terrible self-thought! What a detrimental, discouraging whisper from the enemy.

And so to you who ask how I am the way I am, this is me being as honest as I possibly can. This is my instruction to you:

Just talk to God.

Don’t try to be eloquent if you’re normally not. If you don’t know what to say in prayer, tell Him. Ask Him to help you find and recognize the words. Ask Him to open your spirit to give and receive what it is He has planned for you. If you’re mad because the world hurts you and those you love, tell Him. When He puts a tiny penny or a huge gift in your path, thank Him.

Be honest with Him.

BUT WAIT. THERE’S MORE. No, really. Check this out: Many times, we don’t go fully to God. Why? Those lies of inadequacies prevent us from reaching out. He already knows. I don’t want to admit my thoughts. Other people need Him more. Me and my situation are insignificant. It’s enough that He knows about me. He doesn’t need to get involved in every detail.

Do you feel the pressure of the cork closing in on you? Do you not know which way is up? Does it feel like your life is just a black hole about to collapse in on you from every side?

Then I’ve got good news for you: Black holes turn into Supernovas.

Molly Jo's Journals: Champagne and Supernovas. Be the Supernova you were created to be.

Molly Jo’s Journals: Champagne and Supernovas. Be the Supernova you were created to be.

Frankly, My Dear . . . Be the Supernova you were created to be.

Released from the pressures within, they too, like champagne, explode in a torrent of color and worth and life-affirming creation and they excel beyond anything the black hole tried to contain.

Don’t be the black hole, my lovely. Be the Supernova.

Run full force into God and fall into Him laughing. He will always catch you.

God is your best playmate. Your favorite friend. He is your keeper, your maker, and your cheeriest cheerleader.

So just start. Your prayer needn’t be perfect.

It just needs to be.

Remember: You are no longer a black hole. You are a Supernova. You are the champagne and God is the bubbles.

Effervesce, baby. Always, effervesce. You got this. And He’s got you.

Molly Jo's Journals: We’re bottled up tight, conforming to our surroundings only until that moment we are uncorked, set free, and sent overflowing into the world. #Champagne and #Supernovas Click To Tweet

Come alive, stay wild, and always, savor the journey,

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Bohemian Hurricane

A Southern hippiechick at heart, Molly Jo Realy is author of the romantic location mystery novel, NOLA, and creator of the Book Builder Binder. Also an editor and coach, she encourages people to embrace their unique talents to share their stories as only they can. Addicted to God, cats, tea, planners, and pens, in no particular order. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram for more fun!


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