by Molly Jo Realy (@MollyJoRealy)

“It’s always restarting.” ~ Toni Beaveau, NOLA

Donate is different than help. Many people feel they don’t have enough resources to help, or that it involves more physical action than they can offer. Truth is, your resource doesn’t need to be monetary, or physical. There are many ways you can donate of yourself and your resources to help New Orleans, and any community in need.

This morning, my dear friend Jaye messaged me.

Molly Jo's Journals: True Story Texts

Molly Jo’s Journals: True Story Texts

It was a fun exchange, momentarily distracting us both from the concerns of the world.

The truth is, I almost didn’t write this entry. I almost closed my eyes and went to bed. Or turned the news back on. But I can’t. I just can’t sit down and do nothing when my beautiful, beloved City is literally under water.

From a distance, it’s hard to think of ways to donate. Here’s a starting list:

  1. Donate. Local shelters. Food banks. Animal hospitals. Care programs. Public groups. Find and support your NOLA niche.
  2. Supply. Not sure about a monetary gift? How ’bout going to Amazon to check out things like face masks, blankets, rain ponchos. Pet collars and leashes. Non-perishable food items. Batteries. Bottled water. All the things you would put into a home emergency kit. Have them sent to first responder stations with a note.
  3. Volunteer. Clean up. Help out at the shelters and soup kitchens. Check in on your neighbors. Visit the infirmed.
  4. Feed. A lot of New Orleanians won’t be able to make meals. If you can, do your own version of Meals on Wheels. Pack granola bars, juice boxes, crackers, fruit snacks, beef sticks, and wet wipes into Ziplock baggies and hand them out.
  5. Ask. Find out what a neighborhood needs. And ask who can help. Be the Human LEGO we’re all meant to be.
  6. Listen. Some people just need to let it out. Vent. Be a safe place for those who feel they have no voice right now.
  7. Talk. Tell their stories to whoever needs to hear them. Share words of comfort. Let everyone know they’re not alone.
  8. Break. Give them a break. Help them with tasks. Distract them from the storm. Whatever they need respite from, provide it.
  9. Pray. Offer positivity, and hope.

How can you donate to the residents of New Orleans after Hurricane Ida?

How can you help after Hurricane Ida? Molly Jo's Journals: Eight Ways to Donate to New Orleans. #NOLA #hurricaneida Share on X

Come alive and stay wild,

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Bohemian Hurricane

Author of the romantic location mystery novel, NOLA, Molly Jo Realy is an award-winning writer and author coach. Known as the Bohemian Hurricane, she encourages people to embrace their unique talents to come alive and stay wild every day. Addicted to cats, coffee, and pens in no particular order.

Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more fun!


BTW: At the end of each post, I will share social media or marketing links, like this: Now through September 30, 2021, I will donate 50% of all proceeds from the sales of NOLA in all forms (print copy, Kindle digital, and Audible), to New Orleans hurricane relief funds. 

Sweeten my tea and share: