Writing and Tea Salon
by Molly Jo Realy (@MollyJoRealy)

In my long-ago life back in California (okay, not that long ago, but long enough that it’s definitely a before-and-after era), the High Desert branch of the California Writers Club welcomed writing salons. These were mostly facilitated by my mermaid friend Lorelei Kay (and you should totally check out her book, From Mormon to Mermaid, for her true story of overcoming).

In this context, the idea is to gather a group of writers together for a few hours and converse on a certain topic. Authors have the opportunity to share our works, as well as our topical inspirations.

Salon can also mean a reception room, or a place of meeting in a private home.

Now, hang on because this is where my post gives you whiplash.

I’ve been a Southerner for almost three years. Wait. That’s so fun. Lemme say it again:


Can I get a woot woot and a “bless your heart!”?

In my two years and eleven months in this treasured land, my spare room has gone from an indoor storage unit, to a very clean but unused space, to Heather’s i-love-this-sofa sleeping spot, back to a storage room, to an i-have-no-idea-what-to-do-here space.

It currently stands at a mix of Sparkles’ sofa (sorry, Heather, but she was here first), bins of goods to donate, and boxes of crafts to be organized. So, I’m gonna show you a pic. Don’t judge. And remember, people on TV always make it seem worse than it is so when the Big Reveal is done, the difference is more impressive.

Molly Jo's Journals: Writing and Tea Salon Room at the Beginning

Molly Jo’s Journals: Writing and Tea Salon Room at the Beginning

My idea was always to create a quiet, restful, creative space. I just (obviously!) haven’t had the theme.

Here comes that whiplash topic switch again. Hold on!

Recently, I attended a wonderful morning tea event hosted by some ladies at my church. [SIDE NOTE: Also happens to be the church where Josh Masters teaches. If you can’t attend the church, you should watch online. You should also order his book, A Faith Unleashed. And when I say should, I mean could. If you want to. Not that you have to. But. You know. You should.]

The ladies who set up this annual event (and who are quickly becoming my new, dear friends) did an amazing job. From welcoming us at the door, to the beautiful tables, to the delightful flavors of both tea and refreshments, it was quite the experience.

Don’t believe me? (Oh, I know you do. But I wanna share these pics anyway):

Molly Jo's Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Table Display

Molly Jo’s Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Table Display

Molly Jo's Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Table Display

Molly Jo’s Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Table Display

Molly Jo's Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Sweet and Savory Refreshments

Molly Jo’s Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Sweet and Savory Refreshments

Molly Jo's Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Savory Tartlets

Molly Jo’s Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Savory Tartlets

Molly Jo's Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Party Favors

Molly Jo’s Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Party Favors

Molly Jo's Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Guest Speaker Sue Grubbs

Molly Jo’s Journals: Writing and Tea Salon: Guest Speaker Sue Grubbs

I sat at a table with some women I know, and some I met that morning. ~ Oh, wait. This is where I tell you Lisa said to the table, “She’s a real introvert.” I thought she was joking. Emily laughed. She was serious. Uhm, no, Lisa. You just catch me at my anxious, reflective, does-God-really-want-this-part-of-me-during-Bible-study-small-group moments. I explained the pains of being an extreme extrovert. But, yes. Back to it.

So, in telling some of my story, I was refreshed with the desire to CREATE something extraordinary with the spare room. {Insert bohemian hand flair and energy here!} I’d been trying to recapture the Narnia-esque Spar Oom I’d had in the desert. But this ain’t the desert. Not by a longshot. (And I’m not gonna lie ~ other than missing my peeps and Disneyland, I’m okay with that.)

Still, that nagging of what should I do… And the answer was write right there. In that moment. Because the women said so. I curated my three years of ideas and decided was nudged felt the undeniable reality that my room shall be a combination of a ministry, craft, and tea salon. The women were excited for me. We chatted up different ideas and themes. And despite my resistance, several said they could see me turning it into a writing space. Y’all. They’ve never seen my space. They don’t know.

But it works.

So as I am home in the evenings, I will devote myself to clearing and cleaning, and creating a Writing and Tea Salon. (Follow my progress on Instagram.) Where I’ll entertain writers, read works, open my doors to ministry, and enjoy a spot of tea.

Along the lines of the Inklings.

And so I’ve come full circle.

You should stop in sometime soon. It will be a delight.

And by should, I mean, well, should.

What’s your favorite way to entertain guests and creativity?

What's your favorite way to entertain guests and creativity? Read this week's entry in Molly Jo's Journals: Writing and Tea Salons (and a fave quote from #CSLewis) #writingcommunity #creativity #tea Share on X

Come alive and stay wild,

Molly Jo Realy, Bohemian Hurricane

Author of the romantic location mystery novel, NOLA, Molly Jo Realy is an award-winning writer and author coach. Known as the Bohemian Hurricane, she encourages people to embrace their unique talents to come alive and stay wild every day. Addicted to cats, coffee, and pens in no particular order.

Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more fun!

BTW: At the end of each post, I will share social media or marketing links, like this: Now through September 30, 2021, I will donate 50% of all proceeds from the sales of NOLA in all forms (print copy, Kindle digital, and Audible), to New Orleans hurricane relief funds. 

Sweeten my tea and share: